Sex and Suicide
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2017-07-24 07:10 by Sarah Denninger
in Poems and Stories , 181 references Ignore this thread
Sex and Suicide

I'm probably gonna get a lot of comments on this but I feel like its some thing that I need to get out there and talk about a little bit. Recently I went to a friend's house and I was in this conversation. Really it bounced everywhere and I happened to listen close enough but not give an opinion on it. These two friends we're talking about teen vogue and the recent article about anal sex. It through everyone for a loop and I knew a bit but I didn't read too much about it. Most things don't catch my attention and I don't think they are important to drag on in my social life. We're in a generation where gay marriage is legal and I feel like sex education is never wrong, especially for teens. So I took one glance at it and read a few comments but never looked back on it. So as the conversation kept going it got to another touchy subject that has now died down. 13 reasons why. 

Oh yes you read all the correctly.

I recently found out that my old high school has a new record of nine suicides in one semester alone. To me that seems like odd news considering I never saw anything about suicides recently. If anything I knew that there had been a lot of incidents involving some of my old classmates but not suicides. So of course this lady starts saying something like "well and then 13 reasons why making up all these excuses..."

Whoa whoa whoa, stop. Excuses?  It seemed so unreal and as a twenty year old who just graduated from high school a few years ago, went through bullying, and has known friends who have considered suicide and have depression I can say that suicide is not an excuse and the show has nothing to do with it. If anything it goes deeper then that. Now I don't now what else she thinks about this subject and we didn't get very far due to being surrounded by children so I have no idea where it was going but, I didn't think it was bad for her to say because I can see where people come from when they see the show and how it effects people but, her saying that did trigger all these other people who had said something similar and that is what drives me to put this out there and in general how people make me feel about this saying.

It drives me crazy that there are people who think that suicide is an excuse to get away from your problems and that it was a decision for them to go so far as to do something so hard and difficult to control. Suicide is in no way an excuse and is very real. The high schools are getting worse with bullying And people are so cruel when they are at that stage in their life. 

To me the show is a barrier that needed to be breached and it's a show that is giving the world perspective on what it CAN be like to be suicidal and what circumstances lead to her committing suicide. It's real and it's it's scary and I think that anyone who says that it's an excuse doesn't know what it's like to feel that pain and to be on that ledge. It's so hard to pull away and it's difficult to understand. If you're have never thought about taking your life then obviously you wont know how to react but that doesn't mean your have to label it as an excuse. 

Be aware of those around you and take into consideration to what you say you can have an opinion and I respect that she has an opinion but I do not respect her idea of it. Just be aware of what's happening and try to understand where others come from because not everything is rainbows and unicorns. 

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