Kitty Pictures - Othello and Carl
For two weeks I have been watching some amazing cats at a friend's apartment complex. Here are some photos I got of them over the past two weeks to make you smile. Here is Carl and Othello. Both of them are amazing and both of them are such snuggly kitties. Carl can be a little shy at first but as he warms up he just wants all the head scratches you can give. Quite literally. He will follow you for two things. Food and head scratches. Othello is a very vocal fluffy king that has some anxiety. Sadly that means that he has to have medication mixed into his food to help him calm down. Of course there is a very specific way that you have to mix the food since he can usually smell the meds but that isn't an issues after a few days of tinkering with it.
Both of them are amazing cats but my allergies were flaring up with them. Eventually, I caved and cleaned the apartment up so that I could breathe. I am slightly allergic to cats so for me Othello was the main issue. He has such long hair so when you pet him its like making another cat with his hair alone. They are cute but If I had a cat with long hair like Othello I would be cleaning my house, furniture, and sheets every single day.