These past few days I have been enjoying spending time with my dad chatting and just getting to catch up with one another. It's only been three weeks since I moved out but I feel like a lot happens in that amount of time. So we sit, drink, get a little tipsy if not trunk and just chat away. Yesterday we even had my sister join for the fun and that was something special. I hadn't seen her in quite some time so it was nice to just hang out and to know that she was doing well. We talked about family, her job, where she was trying to move in Florida and etc.
Really these past few days have been nice to unwind. To spend time with family is more than most people get and during COVID I know a lot of people can't hang out with their family because they are immunocompromised or they want to be extra cautious because of the possibility of spreading it to others in stores, hospitals and etc. If you know anything about my dad and what he has been posting then you know his thoughts on COVID and if you have read some of my stuff then you know that my thoughts are the exact same.
I think it's dumb and even though I get being cautious and stuff I still think that all of it should just stop but, whatever. I'm not in charge and I'm not sure what the future holds when it comes to this whole craziness but I do hope that it gets better in the end.
As of right now my job is back upon but I am unsure of how thins will play out in the next few weeks. We probably will be super slow and we will probably not get as much as we would like to make up for what we lost but we will try. It honestly makes me worried for what will happen to our gym and how this will affect hours. Hopefully, we don't get hit too hard with all of this.
If you want to see my art pieces for sale click here. I am still trying to downsize and would appreciate any help you guys decide to give me. Thank you guys so much and I look forward to hearing from some of you.
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