One night we rest, the next we hustle.
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2021-06-26 11:33 by Sarah Denninger
in Travel/Stories/Tips , 45 references Ignore this thread
One night we rest, the next we hustle.

Getting to Yellowstone was an adventure of its own. With one vehicle down, my comfy new mattress behind us and 689 miles ahead we took off towards what would be a trip that we get to tell for many years to come. The first situation was now finding accommodation for not only humans but for Lylah. The reason I purchased the van was to avoid the fees that places charge for pets. They get a little outrageous and I honestly hate whenever I have to stay at a hotel and ask if they are pet friendly. They always make a fuss and think that it's the worst thing in the world when you have to travel with pets....well that's been my experience anyway.

Keeping in mind that we had to get to our campsite the next day and set up before dark we decided to go ahead and just drive a little over halfway so that we weren't crunched for time and had to get up super early. Enjoying the ride and leaving my dad and K to get the accommodations down and has out the distance factor I just decided to hang out with Lylah and enjoy the time. I felt bad for having all of this happen but I was grateful that they were able to help save us and have us tag along on the journey....well I would hope they were ok with it considering I roped them into the run in the first place..

With miles ahead we talked, had some food, and made sure to get our accommodations sorted. In this short time, the truck decided to play one more game and try to die out on us which resulted in the on-star fuse being officially pulled. Hopefully, that would fix the issue we were currently having and ease my anxiety about the situation in general. 

After a long, sad, and exhausting day we pulled into the hotel and go ourselves settled. Now Lylah has never stayed in a hotel before. Needless to say, she was excited and I played with the idea of getting her crate set up and having her sleep in her space. After I had worked with her on building confidence when it comes to her own space and it helped with when we had to go somewhere or if I had to leave her in the van for some reason. I was sure that I would want it set up and in the end, I decided to go ahead and try to put some trust in her. 

Getting ready for bed I told Lylah she could come up and her face lit up. She got on the bed and immediately started trying to crawl on top of me which was immediately corrected. In minutes she understood her place and knew that if she was to stay up there with me she would have to stay at my feet and not lick me to death or get too rilled up. With a huff, she settled in and we went to sleep. 

Now let me say this. Lylah is doing fantastic when it comes to her training and understanding that I am in charge and we have been really getting along well with our communication. Recently she seems to be settling and we have had fewer and fewer problems which make my heart soar. It means I have less to worry about and my training is paying off which is everything I want and more. That night though I felt like I was sleeping with one eye open. I felt like at any moment she was going to get up and start chewing on things or go to the toilet bowl and drink out of ti and when I woke up she was exactly where I left her but she was wide awake waiting for me to get up. Relieved and excited to see such progress in her I greeted her quietly to not excite her and took her immediately outside to go on a short walk. 

Little did I know that the day ahead was going to be filled with more frustrating details to come. 


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