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User Info I hate the heat ; entered at 2022-07-21 15:48:29
Posts: 1
Registered: 2022-06-23 Atlanta
What you're lamenting there sounds just like my husband, who grew up in Columbia SC (a very hot, humid place, I can testify to that). As a very young child, he told his mother, one hot summer day while the family was attempting "gardening", that "the heat was coming out of his ears!".

He celebrated "the Eve of September" each year, so to speak, because although Columbia remained incredibly hot all the way through, till mid-October, pretty much, at least there would be the "hope of fall" upcoming.

Thanks for String Your Heart! We both love it -- just received yesterday, excellently packed, in fine form, and it is hung in our little entryway now!

2022-07-21 15:48:29