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User Info Raven Cliff Trail ; entered at 2017-11-04 16:42:18
Posts: 1290
Registered: 2017-05-08
I have explained numerous times that this was the first time for her and that she is not used to the great big outdoors. I didnt know about Adventure Cat training until a few years ago and only until recently did I decide what I wanted to do with my life and my carrier. She is along for the ride and this was her first time out and about. Shes not used to being around lots of new people and for that matter dogs. So yea there is a bit of a difference here but she never ran off and always wanted to walk on her own which I let her do. Sometime in the future I know she will be more used to it and will eventually be allowed off the leash but until then I am only doing what I feel comfortable with. In terms of her being in a traveling carrier I have her stay in a carrier that she has grown up with since she was a kitten so for its a safe place to be.
2017-11-04 16:42:18