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User Info Dating Today ; entered at 2017-06-05 13:59:41
Posts: 12
Registered: 2017-05-27 Dallas Texas
I just posted this on TickerForum, I must have been shy (?!) about being one of the first posters here.

I get there is a consensus among men about the need for a woman to decide in her 20s if she want a family or not (from TF but also other places and people I know) and I understand that, looking at it from their point of view. But as a woman, I see it differently.

So young women have to face their priorities and assume the consequences. What else is new?

Being extremely selective is obviously a must. Whatever choice you make, make it count in quality. Find what you love to do, shoot for excellence (but do not overdo the programming of your mind there, extreme perfectionism is a bit of an enemy in all fields). If you find a great associate along the way, why not share? Me, I could never see being married as a goal. Sure, gaining financial freedom helps in that perspective, but simply being great at what you do will go a long way towards it.

I was born when my mother was 40 and my parents got married when I was 3 and since that was decades ago, let us just say that was a good way to select for friends who could think for themselves. Considering the possibility of freezing embryos now extends the luxury of time.

To figure out your way will take imagination, information and trials.
May be you should make finding a mate a full time job, or may be you should not.
For me the best way to meet and get to know people has always been around common interests: professional or hobbies. If you select hobbies that are very time consuming it may increase your chances to meet available guys:-)

I have never liked the idea of bars or dating sites. Most of the guys I know, if they used those to date, did not find their significant other there in the end.
2017-06-05 13:59:41