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Sarah the Traveler Single Post Display (Show in context)
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User Info A Period of Being Overweight ; entered at 2017-06-05 14:29:19
Posts: 12
Registered: 2017-05-27 Dallas Texas
For most people reducing caloric intake drastically works. Best done by cutting carbs. I had gained weight when I came to the US, I (still) like ice cream and some cakes. I could eat all I wanted while in Europe without gaining more than a pound during the holidays.

But keeping the same pastry habit when in the US had more consequences. When Spring came in Chicago, my straight talking coworkers (all males) joked: "you are shedding the sweaters all right, it is too bad your shape is not changing", and it is good they said it because I do not think I was even aware of how big the difference was. The fact is pastry in Europe contain a lot more fat, and not nearly the same amount of sugar as those in the US. Plus I never ate candy bars back there.
2017-06-05 14:29:19