It is that time of year again. The time when I go through my belongings and decide what I want to keep vs what needs to go in the trash/donation. Every six months or so I go through what I have and make decisions on if it has any real value in my life. There are two definite every time I go through this process. IN my room I have two areas where certain items that are stored in them, will never be thrown away. Just like everybody else I do have items that have been passed down in my family and things that I have collected from my travels. Some items have value and others don’t. I keep both areas under a lock and key and I’m always aware of what is in it. Every now and then I go through them to reminisce so my memory is fresh when it comes to those two areas of my belongings.
Now everything else. That is fair game.
I can't begin to tell you how much I have given/thrown away. The first time I ever did this whole restorative process I threw away half of my room and it was completely full at the time. I think it was just the idea that ONE day I was going to want to use this item or would need that item. So as a way of helping myself I got rid of it all.
Just like every year before it I have assembled my items and I’m sure that in the next few days all these bags will be in a goodwill. Right now I have a few that are filled with all kinds of items. Clothes, some books, some cords, fragile glass items, and some others. It’s wonderful to always let things go and to make room for other things. It’s a nice way to refresh your mind and to also learn a skill not very many people are good at. Letting go. I know a lot of people who have downsized and have made hard decisions to let some things go. For me, getting rid of all those items started a path towards bigger and better things.
Who knows, maybe you need to declutter some of your life.
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