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User Info A Period of Being Overweight ; entered at 2017-06-12 08:41:30
Posts: 12
Registered: 2017-05-27 Dallas Texas
Perhaps not as insightful as you might think: there is a French tradition called the "crise de foie", literal translation "liver crisis", which is simply -in most cases- a heavy duty indigestion (turning your stomach inside out until your gall bladder is empty, migraine etc...). French food will do that and fast, unlike sugar rich food that just makes you uncomfortably full for a short time and then hungry again fairly soon. There can be an epidemic of that around the holidays. So you learn young to limit yourself.

There is no similar expression in English I think, which hints at the differences in diet. In fact, due to the fun of French language most English speakers hearing about a "crise de foie", think it may have to do with religion: ie "foi" =faith whereas "foie"=liver (not to forget "fois"=time (meaning occasion or instance) and Foix is a city, and I guess after that they ran out of ways to spell it. That used to drive my foreign cousins crazy.
2017-06-12 08:41:30