Attitude change and looking forward
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-06-18 10:35 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 26 references Ignore this thread
Attitude change and looking forward

If I have to be honest the past few months have been pretty difficult. We've been having some family issues and its been difficult to deal with. This last trip up North though gave us some answers and I think not only reassured me but my father as well. It made us see things with our own eyes and have us something to go on for what will happen in the future. So with that my attitude has done a 360. Everytime I went to my part time job my head was filled with all these thoughts and questions. I had no idea what was going to happen and I was irritated being stuck in a store while my family was falling apart. Its one thing for you family to go through stuff and not know whats really going on vs knowing and excepting it. 

So now that we both know more of what is happening we both can focus on the best route and just move forward.

Im happy to be back home and im happy we got a chance to do what we needed to do not only as individuals but also as a family. Things are not going to be easy but we can do what we can to soften the blows that are coming our way. All I have to do is keep moving, stay positive, and not let everything get to me. After all the future is bright and I want to make the best of it. 


In other news I am making big plans for September and I am sure that you guys are gonna love what I have in store for you all. I know I am excited for it. For now I will leave you with this little hint. 

-Its out of the country and there may be some hobbit's involved. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

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