Yesterday was the last day for us to close at eleven. We are finally hitting the off season for my part time job and I am so happy to have it slowing down. So of course the last night of the summer season we had some interesting customers come in and give us an interesting show. Right off the bat let me say that this summer has been full of super rude customers. Last summer wasn’t bad and we all had a great time. This summer, is just no comparison. So it’s around ten and we get this couple that comes in. They are from Michigan and they ask us where we originated from. My coworker who was helping them asks me about it and I tell her about the Mackinaw island incident.
After I finish telling her about the history I go back to the ice cream and I am about to start scraping down tubs when the customer sees my half sleeve. He asks me where I got it done, who it was by and etc. I tell him all the information and of course he tells me that it’s awesome and the couple gives me a peace sign and tells us to have a good night. Right off the bat I thought it was kind of strange but considering that I have seen my fair share of weird thing in customer service, I decided to brush it off. So I go back to what I was doing.
A few minutes go by and the guy comes barreling into the store screaming "I NEED A BOWL! MY CONE IS MELTING!" and he laughs. Were all startled and his sudden intrusion and we just all stood there for a moment shocked. Then one of us springs into action as he states "HELP I NEED A BOWL!". He’s laughing as my coworker gives him a dish to put his melting ice cream in. He then told us thank you and left to catch up to his girlfriend. After he left our coworker informed us that he had stated he was super wasted the minute he came into the store. We all looked at each other and smiled. It all made sense now.
I’m sure we get plenty of wasted people that come in our store but we haven’t had anything like that happen to us yet. Oh the fun of being in customer service.
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