Last Night I went and say the Meg. Usually I am pretty skeptical of shark movies. Mostly because they all go the same way. And of course with everything being pretty much the same I can say that I haven’t seen a good shark movie in a while. SO when D wanted to go see The Meg I told him I would go see it but that I didn’t have high expectations. I will say that I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I had heard that it wasn’t a typical shark movie. That is had suspense and that there wasn’t too much predictability. But of course, just like every movie, there were some issues in a few scenes.
*stop reading here if you don’t want spoilers*
In one of the scenes they just got done putting a tracker on the Megalodon . They go a little away from the shark and then stop to get ready to kill the shark. How do they plan to kill the monstrous fossil? Well they decide to go ahead and set up for a dive. a dive in a shark cage but of course not just any shark cage. A cage that is unbreakable and of course shaped like a long tube. The give the diver a spear with poison to inject into the shark. This way it will hopefully kill the beast and they can save all the people that will be eaten by this beast. So they get the diver ready, put the cage into the water, get the diver in, and move forward to then chum the waters.
Fast forward a bit and you see that the shark is not only smart but also gives no ****s. It is a hungry beast that will eat anything and everything. So the shark then proceeds to attack the cage with the diver and really this is where the issues start. So the diver is in this cage, it’s getting banged around and suddenly the shark takes the cage and literally put it in its mouth and starts dragging it away from the boat but since its attached to a cable that is then attached to a crane that is of course attached to the boat can see where this is going.
The boat proceeds to get dragged as this shark is taking off with its new found chew toy. The diver inside is getting thrown around and is communicating to the people on the boat that the issue is that the cage isn’t breaking so the shark is proceeding to swallow the entire thing whole. Somewhere in this craziness she manages to shoot the shark in the mouth and the poison is then injected. Of course it doesn’t take effect right away so she’s still getting tossed like a rag doll.
This is where the issues come in. See the thing about diving is that you have to pop your ears ever 10 feet or so to make sure you don’t pop an eardrum or get the bends. Of course neither situation is good if you 1) like to hear and 2) don’t want to get very ill. So this diver is literally getting thrown around and in this situation would probably die. Not only that but you’re in a tube that can’t break and you’re getting tossed. Not only does she not get knocked out but she also is conscious enough to still communicate with her fellow friends on the boat.
Of course there are plenty of things that I do like and I really did enjoy the movie, it was just that scene that really got to me.
If you have seen "The Meg" let me know what you think or your thoughts were. I thought it was good but not good enough to buy immediately. Maybe on the $5 rack but certainly not for $20.
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