Now I have talked about this before when it comes to traveling but I thought id go ahead and go over it again since I am getting ready for a big trip. For me personally I always prepare for my trips ahead of time. I do a pre-packing stage which involves me going through all my belongings and playing around with what I do and don't need. The general idea is, if I am questioning the item and wondering if I really do need it, then leave it behind. Usually what happens is that people will over pack with items that they think they need but they aren't sure of. Then they pack all these items that they end up not using and its not only a waste of space but also a waste of your time. Not only do you have to move that stuff around but you also have to carry it with you and its extra weight you don't need.
For this big trip to new Zealand I have decided to break up the load into different parts. The first bag is gonna be filled with clothes, shoes and toilitries. Nothing else. I'm gonna pack items that I can use multiple times and be ok with wearing multiple times. Not only will that save me when it comes to the weight but it will also help me when it comes to washing clothes. I'm sure if I need to I can go to a laundry mat and wash a cycle but really I think I will be ok with this choice. I'm not one to wear a pair a jeans once and then claim its dirty. For me that's just wasting a perfectly good pair of pants.
Now for the carry on its going to be all camera gear. Lenses, the camera, charging port, batteries, go pro items etc. Really that's quite easy in certain terms but I also have to keep in mind that I am only allowed fifteen pounds for that bag. We do have a small scale which I have learned is a little off when it comes to the weight so I am pulling back a little by putting my go pro and selfie stick in my personal bag. This way I can still be safe in the long run.
For my personal bag I have chosen my laptop case. That will have the papers, passport, computer, go pro camera, wallet, and etc. Everything else that cant go in the carry on is going to be on me at all times.
Once everything is pre-packed I make sure to have a small list that I call the "Run down" list. It basically has no details but just has a basic idea of what is needed in every bag I have with me on the trip. The day before I leave for the trip I will go through it all and any items I question I leave behind. This is a second measure so that I know that I am not only saving space but I also am saving my time when it comes to traveling.
Really I am looking forward to this and I am looking forward to seeing how I put my traveling skills to the test.
Cheers to a new adventure and stay tuned for all the stories and tips I will learn.
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