It is my Birthday! I have made it to being twenty two years old. How crazy is that?! The idea that I have made it to another year. So in honor of that I thought that I would write a letter to my present self. After all anything can happen and I do like to leave little letters every now and then for me to find. It reminds me of how far I have come and sometimes its nice to see what I was thinking and to read all the little things that have gone on in my life. So, here is goes.
Dear me,
Right now I know that you are hurting. I know that you have had a lot of losses and I know that you are struggling to keep afloat. I know that you are wondering what the next year holds and that you are are so unsure of what to do with yourself. Your not really sure what left and right are anymore and you've become a little lost. Your dream has been put on hold for right now due to all the losses you have had and things are chaotic because of work and your family. A lot of bad things have happened to you this year but also remember all the good things as well. You have had the chance to travel to all kinds of places, meet all kinds of people, and you even met someone who has influenced your life and is making your future brighter. There is a lot of darkness and sadness around you but there is also a lot of laughter, happiness, and hope. You have so much to do and so much potential. Right now things are hard. Right now you feel like giving up. Right now you want to go back into that comfy bed of yours and sleep for days on end. Sadly though you cant do that. Just remember that you have support. You have people who love you. You have a life that most people would dream of having. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Love it. Most of all Live it. Your life is only really just beginning and you my darling are only just starting the marathon that is your journey. So keep moving you little adventurer. You got this.
The one and only
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