Going through the past
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-11-14 10:10 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 36 references Ignore this thread
Going through the past

We're up here in Michigan finally going through the rest of Grandmas stuff and I can say that it's been weird. I'm going through a life that I didn't know very well. A life that I only saw from a distance. A life that has generations of people behind it. I'm finding so many old photos stored away and some have names on the back but others do not. There are so many people I don't know. There's a lot of history that I'm having trouble putting together and I'm surprised on how little I know about my own family. 

There are a few people I know from dad and there are a few pictures of them that I am more then happy to have because I not only know who they are but I know some of their history. But there are pictures around here that belong to the only person left in my grandmas line. One of my aunts. She probably knows who all these people are and I'm baffled by the fact that she didn't take any of the photos. Now I don't know if she cares or if she just didn't want to remember the past but, I think it's sad to leave these all behind. So many of them are on cardboard. So many are black and white. So many have been left in drawers and to the dust. 

It's crazy how things like this happens when someone passes and it makes me sad to think that one day this could what happens to all the pictures I have saved. 

I guess by then though it won't really matter because I'll be gone and my grandkids and kids will be shuffling through just like I am now. What a crazy world this truly is. 

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