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User Info Driving and dieing?; entered at 2017-06-22 12:52:03
Posts: 12
Registered: 2017-05-27 Dallas Texas
Sarah, reading what you say about how you are not so confident going from 4th to 5th gear it may be worth clarifying a few things if I may. It seems the gear positions in your car is the same as a car I used to drive - German too. 4 is on the lower right and 5 is on the upper right, on the outside, is that it?


going to 5 from 4, if you hesitate around neutral with the foot pressed on the clutch, you are wearing the clutch ($$) and it is not a safe position to be in because you are not in gear, ie you are coasting and have no control over the speed but it is no big deal if you do not loose too much speed. If you loose too much speed when you pass 5th you will lug the engine (BAD). I am not sure at what low speed you would have to pass 5 in order to stall but it has to be below 40 mph I am going to assume you would NEVER pass 5 while at that speed. So make sure you are at least at 2500 rpm and over 60+mph to pass 5, to leave room for "fishing" for 5 for a fraction of a second. I would say do not pass 5 going uphill...

Personally I never pass 5 while entering the freeway. You should be able to go to 65+ without exceeding 3000 rpm which is not bad for the engine if hot and you should never go at freeway speeds with a cold engine. My reasons for staying in 4 are: I have more room for reaction while in 4, I may have to slow down for another car, I may have to accelerate quickly and 4 has more torque (although you go faster in 5 so that may be even). Mostly in four I can go from 45 to 65+ without changing gears in order to adapt to traffic surprises.

Especially, changing gear to slow from 5 means going to 4 and the dread of going for Reverse by mistake, although I understand it should never happen.

Let us face it, it you have not burnt a clutch by now you are doing great.
2017-06-22 12:52:03