My part time job has been so slow that it feels like I don't have a job. It feels like i'm in a weird place where I never go to work and all I do is exercise, write, and chat with D. Of course I do more then that but those are the basic things I do right now. Its been a time to reset myself but I also have been really worried about everything since I am not always at work. That's the thing about working a seasonal part time job. There are times when you don't work for a long period of time. When you will struggle for a little bit. It's honestly very frustrating and so I am taking the time to change how I look at things and I am coming up with a game plan for this year. I want to do more YouTube videos so I am recording, editing, and making changes to the channel.
Along with the YouTube channel changes I am making changes on my artwork. Instead of rushing through them or getting frustrated with the pieces I want to make I am taking my time to try and figure out how to make them better. How to make them stand out more then ever before. There is a butterfly piece that I have been trying to finish for some time and I am only just now starting to get back into doing the touches on it. I have been frustrated in with myself because I want to make better pieces for you guys but I just haven't been able to do that these past few months. Over time you might see one or two pieces drop in price because I want to have a higher chance of them selling.
Of course I am also taking more photos of Spice and Midnight. I'm trying to do daily if I can. Just so I can hone in on my skills and make sure that I am providing the best that I can with my talents. With all of that being said I do wish you guys have a wonderful day and here is a picture of Midnight sunbathing.
While you are here make sure to check out all the art pieces that I have for sale by clicking here. There are plenty to choose from and they all are hand made by yours truly.
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