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User Info The Younger Son; entered at 2017-07-13 01:02:06
Posts: 2
Registered: 2017-07-11 Huntsville, Alabama
Golly, Sarah, your description of the "Cartersville experience" brings some sort-of memories of things I was part of in Norfolk and Chesapeake, Virginia, in 1974. That was all so enjoyable, without stress, and no complications.

These are good things to remember, good people to remember: Gary, Barbara, Vance, Gina, Irma, Lee, Debbie, and Betsy. Haven't heard from, or seen them, since 1975. (Even "old weird Bob"). But I hope they're all doing well. (Dang, I'm getting old.)

Thanks, Sarah.
2017-07-13 01:02:06