Peeling it away
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2024-05-20 12:48 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 72 references Ignore this thread
Peeling it away

In a few weeks, I’ll be heading back to P.A. for a quick weekend getaway. I’m really looking forward to exploring the city more and spending time with my boyfriend’s family. While it’s a shorter trip than we’d prefer, we’ll take what we can get for now. I’m sure we’ll be back sooner rather than later!

Before that, we’ll be working on some wallpaper to finish up our hallway so we can mud and paint it to our liking. We’re eager to wrap up this project, especially since we have a whole bathroom remodel on the horizon. I know it’ll be worth it, but it’ll also involve a learning curve. I’m picking up so many new skills in remodeling that I hope to use in the future, especially when I find a fixer-upper of my own.

For now, I’m enjoying the freedom of traveling in my van and keeping my eyes open for what’s next. Who knows—this could lead to something exciting that I can build upon. Only time will tell what lies ahead, and maybe someday I’ll get to share those experiences with you all and what I’ve learned along the way.


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