So close to the road again
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2024-07-06 15:16 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 40 references Ignore this thread
So close to the road again

The past few months have felt like a whirlwind. I’ve settled into my new job, which definitely keeps me on my toes—never a dull moment and always something new. Soon, we’ll be testing equipment in the van to ensure I can work while I’m out exploring the West again. If all goes well, Lylah and I will be back on the road, embracing the freedom of adventure. We’re both thrilled to get back out there! While having a home and routine is nice, this past year off has intensified that travel itch.

Once you catch the travel bug, it’s hard to shake. This time, we’re trying something different: we’ll be stopping at ski and snowboard resorts in the West for a bit of a tour. Dad is joining us, and I can’t wait to explore those spots and improve my snowboarding skills. For him, it’ll be an exciting chance to shred some fresh powder and check out the places you’ve recommended.

We’re still finalizing our itinerary, but I’m eager to discover what’s out there. If anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears! I’m particularly hoping to explore more of Oregon, so please share any thoughts on must-visit places.


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