New things are coming and vacations are on the rise
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-12-26 12:40 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 32 references Ignore this thread
New things are coming and vacations are on the rise

Hey everybody! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with their friends and family yesterday. I know I had a fun time with my family and my bf's family. It honestly was a new kind of Christmas but it was a good one overall. I enjoyed spending time with each and every person this year and even though I didn’t get a lot of time with everybody I got some which is what matters. Today though is the start of the Countdown to the new year and that is always exciting. 2019 is now literally around the corner. 

I don’t know about all of you but I am excited to start on my goals for 2019 and to accomplish each and every single one of them. 

One of the things that I managed to get done last night was new business cards and I am super excited to start sending them out with my paintings. They are updated, brand new and have all the information you need to purchase artwork and more. 

As for everything else, I’m starting out slow and making my way out. At the end of January and through February I will be going to New York for twelve days. I’ve been up there twice now but I haven’t seen it yet in the winter time so I am super pumped to see it, explore and be away from work and on vacation. It will be the first of many for 2019.

While we are waiting for the pictures, videos and more I do encourage you guys to take a look at my artwork and see if any interest you. They all are for sale and ready to be transported to your homes. Each is made by yours truly and they are all one of a kind. So click here to check them out. 

Other then that I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


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