Just Around The River Bend
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2023-10-16 08:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 32 references Ignore this thread
Just Around The River Bend

With the start of anything new, there are always nerves. 

In one week I will be starting training for a new job. It matches what I was looking for and is a good stand-in for the time being as I continue to search for something else. The job itself is a middle ground to help small businesses manage accounts through QuickBooks. It's more money, regular work hours, I get weekends off, AND HOLIDAYS. I still get to work from home and pick my own hours. Honestly, I don't know what to expect and I'm pretty nervous about starting this new job but with time I'm sure I will quickly get the hang of it. 

The job I'm currently working for just isn't working anymore and with their new "requirements" preventing me from traveling I knew that the universe was finally giving me the kick in the ass to find something else. Sometimes all it takes is a touch of reality to get you moving. 

Of course, this isn't the end of my search but it is a step in the right direction. For me it's a step up in pay which I desperately need and it will give me the ability to finally travel again once I have everything down. Ideally, I'm looking for a job where I don't have to talk to people at all and I'm keeping my eyes peeled at those opportunities and have them bookmarked for when they do have more spots open. You best believe that is the END goal. I don't mind people but these days I rather work undisturbed and the older I get the more stupid I realize people can be. Not saying that everyone is stupid because that isn't true but in the customer service industry you get asked questions that make you want to roll your eyes, grab the person, and give them a real HARD shake. Like why are you asking these questions when you ALREADY know the answer? 

So I'm slowly making my way away from people-pleasing/talking jobs

I'm excited, nervous but ready to move on. For now (with my current job) I am limping on through the clients rolling my eyes and every time I get a call that I'm not getting paid more than average to handle, I transfer them and say

"Not my monkeys, not my circus"

Finally, things are starting to turn around a little bit. 

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