So there was one particular moment that happened around the eclipse. We were staying in a hotel in South Carolina. It was a very nice place and they put up with everybody setting up cameras all over their parking lot. Very nice people who were enjoying all the business. While we were waiting for the eclipse to happen we met this nice couple. It just so happened that they were also from Florida and were there to see the eclipse happen. They didn’t have cameras or anything, just their protection glasses. We were setting up the cameras inside for a bit and they noticed all the equipment. They turned to us and asked if we were videoing or photographing the event. We explained that we came specifically for this and we were prepared. Quickly we exchanged numbers and they watched our stuff for us while we got chairs set up outside.
We went back inside and started to grab our stuff when I got asked a question about my tattoos. She wanted to know where some of them were from and what their stories were. I happily have her explanations for them and the entire time she listened and had a smile on her face. Usually I don’t get compliments on my tattoos. They don’t get seen that often since there usually covered up when I am around large amounts of people. This time I got one of the highest compliments. She turned to me and said
"Our tattoos are really good. Actually they are some of the best I’ve seen and our kids have some"
Really I was flattered. It’s not every day that I get compliments like that and she said it so matter of factly. Really it made my day and I couldn’t thank her enough for saying that. It really did boost me up and feel good about my body and the art I chose. Plus you’re not only complimenting me but your also complimenting the tattooist and the artist who drew them for me. Three people for one compliment.
So thank you stranger for being so nice. I will remember this moment for sure.
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