A lot of people admire what I do. I travel a lot and in most cases it is by myself. Because of that I have gotten the saying "You have balls" too many times to count since I started going on more and more trips. In my case I don't think of myself as someone who "has balls". IN truth I think it's as easy as anything else you decide to do in your life and because of that people overthink everything.
In my case, I overthink when it comes to showing off my body. I get embarrassed and my confidence goes down the toilet. I wish I had been around people who were more body positive and gave me encouragement about embracing the way I look. For years I have struggled with it and I am still working on it.
So of course when I start hanging out with my new friends I was surprised when I got handed the phone and shown the modeling pictures that these two amazing women do. This wasn't just any modeling. This was really good, all out modeling. Sitting in front of them vs looking at a photograph is like looking at black and white vs color. These women were already beautiful but seeing their work showed me that they were drop dead gorgeous and I was sitting with real models. What is the coincidence that I would make friends with people who actually knew what they were doing when it came to the modeling scene. ON top of that people who were also 420 friendly. It was like hitting a jackpot.
The main thing is though, that I am very jealous of these women for being so confident when it comes to showing off what they were born with. I wish I had the confidence they had and I want to have that confidence. I hope that next time I am in town that they can influence me to be as confident as they are.
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