The New Year always brings this exciting new start to lots of adventure, plans, diet changes, maybe even a job change. For me it starts the "restart process". What I mean by that is when the year is over I look back on everything that I have done over the last year and access what the next step is to make the next year even better. Usually I start with online subscriptions. I see what I have paid vs what I want to pay in the new year. Depending on what I want or don’t want to pay, I make the appropriate adjustments. From there I usually go my body.
In terms of changing things for my body I usually see how much weight i Have gained or lost. Once a week I usually record my weight so that I have a record of some kind. It helps me to understand how good or bad I have been and where I need to cut back and what I may need more of. Then I also look at my workout routines. This year I decided to start focusing on other parts of my body and to get back into Yoga and doing exercises to help even out all part of my body. So Ill do 30 days of butt exercises, 30 days for arms, 30 days for core, and etc etc.
After I go through that I then start to go through my personal belongings and I start to get rid of items I no longer want or need. It helps to de-clutter my life and also helps to make room for other things I may want or need.
Once I get through the things that I find most important to me I then make a list of places I want to visit or certain things I want to do. One of the things I wrote on my 2018 list is to go Skydiving for the first time and I can tell you guys that I am the most excited about that. I have always wanted to go but I have never had the chance to, this year will be the year I finally jump out of a plane and experience true fear and also witness the world in a different light.
What are some of thing things you do for the New Year?
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