While working at my part time job has been a delight it also had its downsides. One of the things that I get super irritated by is when children are on their high horse and their parents don’t do anything to correct the mistake they make or adjust their attitude. For example, the other day I had a customer come with, with a little girl that was about eight years old. She comes in with her parents and I offer them a free sample of homemade fudge like usual. The girl comes racing up and her parents slowly follow. She literally throws her hand out on the glass and goes "I’ll take a free sample"
The parents then cut in with what they want to try so I serve them first, all the while the little girl is holding her hand out impatiently waving it for the sample. Already I am done with this child. I look at the parents and they don’t say anything. Not a single word. For a minute I ignore her and then give her a tiny, tiny piece of fudge. I don’t get a thank you or nothing, just a silent turn around. I look at the parents and I was expecting them to say something. To tell her to say thank you or to at least tell her to not have such an attitude.
Of course none of that happened. They went on their marry way and went to get ice cream and then left. Apparently the girl did the same thing at the ice cream bar and one of my coworkers agreed that her attitude needed an adjustment. If I did that as a child I would have been corrected and told to not act like that again or I would leave the store with nothing.
Ya'll it is your job as a parent to raise your child to be an acceptable human being in society, not bratty, everything revolves around me. Nope. That is how they will fall and nobody will respect them. I know I didn’t want to serve her at all but being in the business I didn’t have a choice.
Just be aware of attitude, it really can make a difference.
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