While I was away I got to visit my mom. It had been about two years since I last got to see her and it really was quite the treat to get to spend time with her. I missed her so much and I knew that this was probably the only chance I was going to get to see her and catch up. Unfortunately, I don't really get time to chat with her because of how busy I am in my everyday life. So getting away from the crazy back home and being in this wonderful remote place was a nice way to catch up and to really focus on one another.
We spent an entire day together. We went out of town and she showed me a couple of places that she enjoyed. We went to a stone/jewelry shop downtown and we instantly became friends with the lady there. Her and my mom chatted for a while and every now and then I would say something in the conversation. I'm not as chatty as my mom but she did give me the ability to draw people in. I could tell, this lady wanted to talk for hours. At some point, we purchased our stuff and headed out. From there we went to a nice little dinner and sat for a few hours catching up on all the family drama we had experienced in the last year. So much had happened and I felt like I missed so much. We both had lost people in the past year and we both had gone through similar things when it came to estate battles and terrible family members. I was astonished at it all.
From our little lunch shop, we went to this headshot called Grannys. Of course, it went from a straight head shop to a hippy/head shop and the people there knew my mom instantly. They knew her and what she liked to purchase and when I was with her they instantly wanted to know me. They even followed me on Instagram and told me to come back sometime, which I am sure I will next time I am in town.
After all the shopping, talking and the quality time we spent we went back home and settled in. I can say without a doubt that I was satisfied. Of course, I wanted more time but, sadly I couldn't spend more time with her. I needed to hit the road the next day.
I love my mom and I hope that sometime soon I will get to really sit down and chat. SO much happens all the time and I hate that she's so far away and that I can't see her or be near her all the time. Sadly that is how life is.
I will be back and I will see her again. I just hope its sooner rather than later.
Also, don't forget that my artwork is on a big sale right now and I appreciate anybody who purchases a piece from me. Click here to check them out.
Hey there guys. So I am on my way back to good ol Florida. It will be super freaking late and I am sure I will be complaining most of the way down. Honestly I am not sure how this will go or what the drive will be like. I kinda wish that I had a teleportation device so that I didn't have to sit in the car for another thirteen hours but you know, that's part of the adventure. While you guys are waiting to hear more stories and see more pictures I do ask that you guys check out my artwork by clicking here.
All of my artwork is around 50% off right now and I would love it if you guys would help me clear out my gallery. Thank you guys so much and I look forward to hearing from you.
I finally made it Tulsa Oklahoma. Right now I am sitting with my childhood friend catching up on all the **** we went through in our lives. Quite literally. We both are so similar and we both have been through so much that our stories could almost be identical. Its nuts what can happen and how similar people can be to one another. of course for us both this is a emotional roller coaster. We both were attached to the hip and we both wanted to live the same life and sadly I am the only one that is living the life we both dreamed of.
I'm so happy to be sitting next to her. To know that she is alive and well. Right now she is going through some stuff, like we all do and I am just happy to be here and to tell her that she is amazing and that she is a wonderful person inside and out. Of course she also has two kids and is trying to support the life for herself and the life of her child. She is fighting to figure herself out while also trying to teach this little human how to be the best he can be. I am so thrilled to be here and I am so happy that I get to be apart of her life again.
Today we are going out to explore and we are going to talk and catch up and live the best life that sisters can. We are going to fill our phones with pictures and use my camera to be the goofy friends that we are. We are going to pick up where we left off and just enjoy life because you know, that's what friends do. You catch up, you talk ****, you have a drink or two and you just live.
Life is so good that I don't want to leave it. I literally don't want this trip to end.
I have learned so much in the past few days it is crazy. I learned a lot about Lead Climbing and I learned a lot about my mom. Both of those things have really made my head spin around. For lead it was mostly that I have so much more that I need to learn and that I really need to work on my climbing skills. I want to get better and stronger. I want to be able to do more routes and to feel confident in not only myself but also when it comes to belaying others. When I get home I have so much work that needs to be done and I have so many techniques to perfect. For the meantime though I will take what I got. Im just happy that I knew someone who could teach me and was willing to let me borrow their gear. I definitely cant wait for the next adventure and to try going back outdoors again.
As for my mom I was so excited to see her and this new place that she moved to. I had never been to Ashland Kentucky before and I was a little excited to see this new place. Not only that but to hug her, see her, and just catch up with her. I had heard that the new place she moved to wash her childhood home and that her grandmother had passed it down to her so all in all I was stoked about this adventure.
When I got there I was surprised by the sight of things. The house had been cleaned up a lot but it needed so much more work. Carpets were torn out, the porch wasn't finished, boxes were laying around, the shower in one room didn't work, the toiled in another was down, and of course the tile in some spots was falling apart. I had been warned about the state of the place but seeing it in person was a lot to take in. Yet it had been worse a year ago so with all things considered, I was happy with the results and that it didn't smell like cat******everywhere.
Other then that the place was beautiful. I could tell that her grandparents put a lot of love into the place and I could tell that they were going to make the home gorgeous again. They want to do so much but only can do little things here and there since they are having an estate battle right now. Of course that is another long story that I will not tell you since it is their personal matter but it still is rough and gave me flash backs to what we had to deal with when my grandmother passed away.
So much happened and so much is happening. This week so far has been spectacular and I am so happy with how I feel. This road trip has re-lit that fire in me and I couldn't be more confident with myself and my life. I truly feel like traveling is what I am meant to do and when I get everything together I can't wait to go to full time.
Life is so good.
Yesterday was my crash course on lead climbing. Lead climbing is when you lead up the route with a bunch of clips and as you go up you clip your rope into them. Really it sounds super simplistic but it is super scary to try and it's scary to fall from. I learned so much on my first day and I really think there is an art to climbing such big heights outside. Not only is it a lot to take in when you are climbing but it's a lot when you actually are trying to clip into your next bolt.
Honestly I'm not sure how much I can do today but I am going to give it another go. Today we are going to be taking photographs while we're climbing and I think I'm more excited for that then I am for the actual climbing. Not only do I get to try it again but I get to also see how I look when I climb. Really I am excited about it and I can't wait to see how they turn out.
So again, please pray for my safety as I go on this adventure back to the great outdoors. I am excited to see what I can do today and see what comes from me while he is going ham with the camera. It's just so cool to know people who do so many different things and to be able to bond over that. Climbing has definitely changed my life.
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