Glacier National Park
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2024-09-12 12:28 by Sarah Denninger
in Travel/Stories/Tips , 11 references Ignore this thread
Glacier National Park

About a month ago, we returned from Glacier National Park. For those who haven’t ventured that far northwest, it’s located in the upper part of Montana, right on the Canadian border. The park is considered a peace park since it extends across the border into Canada, which is a fascinating concept. It really makes me reflect on the possibilities of being neighbors with Canada. I’m inspired to cross over and explore more incredible places that I can check off my map.

For now, I’m grateful for the hikes we completed during our trip. Our time in Glacier was amazing, with perfect weather throughout. The hikes we accomplished could have been challenging if we hadn’t chosen the right time to visit and if we hadn’t had many overcast days. Here are the hikes we tackled:

  • Avalanche Lake
  • Highline Trail
  • Logan Pass
  • Siyeh Pass

We initially planned to do the first three, but we added Siyeh Pass after hearing rave reviews from rangers and fellow hikers. Over the course of the week, we hiked more than 30 miles! We were treated to breathtaking views, spotted numerous marmots, and enjoyed an abundance of beautiful wildflowers. I have so much to share about this experience, and I can’t wait to tell you more. It truly became one of my favorite parks, and I want to share everything we discovered.

Next up: Avalanche Lake!



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