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2017-07-23 07:30 by Sarah Denninger
in Poems and Stories , 123 references Ignore this thread

I’m not a religious person. I never really have been. I think it’s just the idea about the bible and god and everything. For me it seemed to boring for me to bear and every time my family went to church I ended up falling asleep a lot. I honestly wasn’t sure what the big deal was about this whole big dude that was up in the sky. To me heaven sounded so strange and foreign that I eventually just became uninterested in the idea of it. It didn’t take long for my father to decided that if I wanted to go to church then I would go to church but, he knew I was bored with it. I honestly just wanted to fall asleep and a lot of the time I would ask when the whole mass was over. I don’t know how many times he got annoyed with the questions. I just wanted to go home and I hated waking up in the morning. Honestly I still do hate waking up in the morning. It’s one of those things I still haven’t really gotten used to. 

For me religion never spoke to me in the way that my friends and their parents seemed to talk about. I never heard gods voice, I never saw something unrighteous about what I did, I never thought prayer did anything. I tried to pray at night before I went to bed and I thought that it was overdramatic if anything. After a while I let it go and decided that this whole god business wasn’t for me. Sure others can believe in what they want to believe, I don’t think it’s wrong to believe in a man in the sky who will one day come back to Earth and then decide what to do with us as a whole species, I really don’t. I think people do look for things to explain the questions they have and I think God was part of that. We didn’t know where we came from so we decided to associate it with a God. I honestly don’t believe half of the things that I read about or see in most TV shows. 

There are times when I do believe miracles are really and I do believe in miracles. That’s one thing that I never stopped believing. Anything in the universe can happen and sometimes we get unexplainable things. In my opinion it’s good for us. It keeps us guessing on our origins or on extraterrestrial life. I just think all the questions we want answered are more complicated then it seems and we just aren’t ready as a species to find out the truth to those questions. We don’t have the mental capacity to take the information and so our generations of our species is getting smarter and smarter to try and answer those questions. Every day we are making new breakthroughs in science but I do feel like we are grasping straws sometimes. Religion is a practice that I admire in some people. I think it’s important for people to believe what they want to believe in. That’s how we stay alive. It’s in what we practice and in what is handed down to us. 

If you believe there is a god or something out there then it’s all good but be aware that religion is not for everybody and everyone thinks differently. I know I believe differently than my neighbors and yet we still coexist and enjoy each other’s company. Let’s not be divided over what we practice, we are all human and there is nothing wrong in believing in something. 




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Incept: 2017-06-19

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Me again, love your topics! I believe Jesus Christ was an extraterrestrial! I love to read and have my whole life. So, I summarized all of my historical knowledge as of yet and that is my conclusion. Obviously the bible could be just written by creative people. I've read most of the bible and kind of stick with the Old Testament as a starting point as it includes physical changes on earth thousands of years ago. When Religion is stated as a word that includes so much I tend to back off. I am very fortunate that when I pray for real, good things happen. That could just be my Karma. I believe that we as humans have a really cool ability to reach out mentally and that totally includes the universe! Positivity is extraordinary and super cool. Just sometimes hard to grasp or tap into on a daily basis. I call that effort "praying" Peace out!
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