Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography

The trip to Iceland is getting more and more official as time goes on. I just booked the camper van and after that I will be booking reservations at the blue lagoon and for a tour of the Northern Lights which will be exciting and magical. I really cannot wait to see what this country has to offer and what comes from this trip. There are so many things I want to do and so many people I want to meet. I do hope that I Can make at least one new friend there so that if I come back I can hangout with them and see the country through their eyes. 

There are plenty of things that we are going to do while we are there and one of them is snorkeling over the tectonic plates. I think that will be an interesting sight to see and getting pictures of it will be quite the sight. Of course I don't want to think about how cold its going to be there but I am sure I will freeze my booty off. 

To help me out for this trip I do ask that you guys check out my pieces. They are all 10% off right now and each and every one is ready to go to new homes. All purchases you make go towards that fund and I couldn't be more excited to do everything and anything there is. I will also be hunting for a camper van to live in so that is even more to add onto my list. So every purchase helps. 

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Click here to go check out my art gallery and make sure to go check out my YouTube channel as well. There will be a new video out for you guys tomorrow and it is going to be awesome. 

Thank you all for your support and I can't wait to see what comes out of 2019. 

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