I finally found the car that I need to start my traveling journey. It is an Xterra 2000 and it can pull up to 3500 pounds. What is even better is that it is a stick shift car. Just driving it from Fort Walton to Niceville I can already tell that it will take some getting used to. It even sounds different which threw me off and honestly made me a little nervous at first but after a few miles, I started to understand how it runs. I usually never do purchases like this and for me, it was a little weird to have that moment where I literally hand someone cash that I worked hard to earn. It was exciting, nerve-wracking, and honestly empowering in a way.
Now that I have the first step done in my traveling plan I feel like I can finally breathe a little and relax. I feel like I can take the rest of the time this month to actually get things done and ready before I head out to Iceland.
Things have finally started to turn around and go in the direction I need them to.